Sita Collection - S-51D

Indulge in the true mastery of craftsmanship with our exceptional collection of modern, high-quality area rugs. Each rug is a masterpiece meticulously handcrafted by skilled artisans, who pour their passion and expertise into every intricate detail. Using only the finest wools available, the Sita Collection of rugs exemplify the perfect fusion of artistry and quality. Feel the undeniable allure, softness and warmth as you step onto these meticulously woven rugs, call us today for more information (888) 880-RUGS.


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Design: S-51D

Rug Inquiry

Sita Collection
Wool & Manmade Silk
Hand Knotted

Program Sizes:
2' X 3' - sample swatch
4' X 6'
8' X 10'
9' X 12'
10' X 14'
Made to Custom Specifications
Made to Custom - Oversizes
Made to Custom - Shapes
Made to Custom - Runners


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